Thursday, September 30, 2010

Inelligence Without Ambition Is A Bird Without Wings

When I read the quote intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings by Salvador Dali I found it very relevant to my life and values at the moment and what I picture them like in the future. Salvador was a great artist and he got there by having the ambition to perfect all of his art with amazing artistic talents. I think that if you don’t have the ambition to do something then it doesn’t matter how good you are at it. You could be the smartest person on the planet but if you don’t have the ambition to do something with that intelligence then it won’t do you much good. This would be like a bird without wings as Dali said in his quote. A bird wouldn’t have the extraordinary gift of flight if it didn’t have wings. I try my hardest to achieve the marks that I do, but I wouldn’t have the marks that I do if I didn’t have the ambition to achieve those marks. This quote applies every thing that I do. Since I have begun racing cars I have done very well. This would not be the case if I didn’t have the ambition to do well, my ability to actually drive the cars wouldn’t mean much if I had no desire to compete in the competitions. I think that people with amazing talents wouldn’t be known for those talents if they didn’t have the ambition not only to do something with that talent but to also improve them.